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Copyright: CCLI Church Copyright Licence

CCLI Church Copyright Licence

Tabor pays an annual licence fee to Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI). This licence permits churches to project or print out the words and music to the songs used in congregational singing. It also permits the creation of custom musical arrangements where no published version exists.

Under the Church Copyright Licence you can:

  • store song lyrics in a computer or create projections to assist with congregational/assembly singing;
  • print songs, hymns and lyrics in service sheets;
  • create your own customized songbooks or hymnals;
  • arrange, print and copy your own vocal or instrumental arrangements of songs for congregational/assembly use, where no published version is available;
  • translate song lyrics into another language for congregational singing, where no published version is available;
  • record your services/meetings including the ‘live’ music by audio or video means for those unable to attend. The quantity of recorded copies allowed per service cannot exceed 15% of the maximum number of size category 

However, you cannot:

  • photocopy or duplicate typeset sheet music;
  • alter the words or music of any authorised hymn or song;
  • rent, sell, lend or distribute copies made under the licence to anyone outside the church/school;
  • assign or transfer the licence to any other church/school or group without CCLI’s approval. This is a congregation-specific licence, meaning it is not tied to a specific building.

A CCLI copyright warning notice is automatically generated when you log in CCLI to download material.